
'Coffee with scent of a woman', the Estudios RCN production that has been seen in more than 100 countries

'Coffee with scent of a woman' has reached more than 100 countries in the world, including Hungary, Israel, Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Spain and many more through the Netflix platform.

20 Mar 2024 11:06Por: estudiosrcn.com
Una de las historias más importantes de la televisión en Colombia, 'Café con aroma de mujer', sigue cosechando éxitos con su más reciente versión.

One of the most important stories on television in Colombia, 'Coffee with scent of a woman', continues to achieve success with its most recent version.

Una de las historias más importantes de la televisión en Colombia, 'Café con aroma de mujer', sigue cosechando éxitos con su más reciente versión.

One of the most important stories on television in Colombia, 'Coffee with scent of a woman', continues to achieve success with its most recent version.

One of the most important stories on television in Colombia continues to achieve success with its most recent version. 'Coffee with scent of a woman' has reached more than 100 countries in the world, including Hungary, Israel, Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Spain and many more through the Netflix platform. In the latter he achieved more than 300 million hours of playback and reached the Top 10 in 19 non-English speaking countries.

The Estudios RCN production stars William Levy and Laura Londoño, accompanied by artists of the caliber of Carmen Villalobos, Diego Cadavid, Lincoln Palomeque, Mabel Moreno, Katherine Vélez, among others.

The new version of Fernando Gaitán's original idea narrates the passionate and impossible love between two young people of opposite origins: Gaviota, a humble coffee picker and Sebastián, a young man belonging to an opulent coffee saga. Gaviota will overcome thousands of obstacles thanks to her love for coffee and her desire to get ahead with her mother.