
'Aunt Alison' premieres in Ecuador

Starting this Monday, August 26th, the dramedy series 'Aunt Alison' arrives to the afternoons of Teleamazonas in Ecuador.

22 Ago 2024 10:09Por:
'Tía Alison' llega este 26 de agosto a Teleamazonas, Ecuador.

'Aunt Alison' arrives this August 26th on Teleamazonas, Ecuador.

'Tía Alison' llega este 26 de agosto a Teleamazonas, Ecuador.

'Aunt Alison' arrives this August 26th on Teleamazonas, Ecuador.

BOGOTÁ AUGUST 22, 2024. Starting this Monday, August 26, the series 'Aunt Alison' arrives to the afternoons of Teleamazonas in Ecuador. This story tells how Alison, a young woman who manages to achieve her American dream, must return to Colombia to face one of her greatest family losses and assume the role of mother to her three nephews.

Starring Juliette Pardau and Rodrigo Candamil, 'Aunt Alison' navigates between drama and comedy, generating humor through the absurd situations that happen to its characters. This dramedy is an original idea by Héctor Moncada and was directed by Victor Cantillo and Israel Sánchez for RCN Studios.

When Alison Párraga, a beautiful and irreverent woman from Bogotá's Galán neighborhood, is fulfilling her dream of working as a tattoo artist in Los Angeles, USA, her sister Olga dies in a traffic accident and she is forced to return to Colombia to take care of her nephews Washington, Dakota and Luisiana.

Raising two troubled teenagers and a little girl out of place in a world where intolerance, dishonesty and lack of loyalty are the daily bread, is not an easy task and much less without a peso in her pocket. However, on that hard road Alison is not alone. On the one hand, she has Agatha, her unconditional friend, and on the other, Gustavo Orjuela, the official appointed by the Institute to verify the custody process, with whom she will discover the true meaning of the word “master”.