
In the second season of the Law of the Heart we will see our expert lawyers in family and criminal law: Pablo Domínguez, Alfredo Duperly, Nicolás Ortega, María del Pilar Garcés, Catalina Mejía, Julia Escallón, and Marcos Tibatá, dedicated to their cases of family, couple and criminal conflicts, but this time within the framework of the construction and consolidation of his new law firm, after the liquidation of the firm 'Cabal, Ortega, Domínguez y Asociados'.

The arrival of the prestigious lawyer, Adela Zambrano, will allow them to establish their new firm and thus, two lawyers who worked for her will arrive at this new firm, Dr. Soledad Santamaría, an expert lawyer in criminal law and Dr. Valentín Martelo, an expert lawyer in Family right.

Parallel to the above, we will learn much more about the personal and couple life of our lawyers:
- Alfredo Duperly and Catalina Mejía, will enjoy their "blessed" married life, but will discover that there are difficulties in achieving their dream of being parents.
- María del Pilar Garcés and Nicolás Ortega will decide to go one step further in their relationship and develop a conflictive romance.
- For their part, Marcos Tibatá and Camila Salamanca will continue their romance, and we will see more clearly the professional and social rise of Marcos and the conflicts that this will represent for the couple.
- Finally, Pablo Domínguez, who achieved the adoption and joint custody of his children, will have to live with the children and at the same time carry out his relationship with Julia Escallón, free of ties, except that this situation will delay and complicate the relationship between them, showing the difficult evolution of a “contemporary” courtship, where one of the lovers has responsibilities with their children.

Technical File

Direction: Sergio Osorio and Víctor Cantillo.

Original Idea: Mónica Agudelo.

Scripts: Luis Felipe Salamanca.

Executive Producer: Jorge Giraldo.

Genre: Drama.

Duration: 140 x 60'.

Production year: 2018

Produced by: Estudios RCN.
