
When Alison Párraga, a beautiful and irreverent woman from the Galán neighborhood of Bogotá, is fulfilling her dream of working as a tattoo artist in Los Angeles, United States, her sister Olga dies in a traffic accident and she is forced to return to Colombia to get tattooed. charge of his nephews. Raising two troubled teenagers and a little girl out of place in a world where intolerance, dishonesty and lack of loyalty are commonplace, is not an easy task, much less without a penny in your pocket.

However, Alison is not alone on this hard road. On the one hand, she has Agatha, her unconditional friend, and on the other, Gustavo Orjuela, the official designated by the Institute to verify the custody process, with whom she will discover the true meaning of the word love. With him, he will help Dakota find true north in his life, save Louisiana from death and get Washington out of his wheelchair to receive his high school diploma by walking, proving that there is nothing greater in life. than the love of an aunt.

Technical File

Direction: Víctor Cantillo.

Scripts: Héctor Moncada, Laura Bolaño, Gerardo Pinzón, Juan Andrés Granados.

Executive Producer: Andrés Santamaría.

Genre: Dramedy.

Duration: 62 X 60'

Production year: 2023

Produced by: RCN Studios.
